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Image of the Bench

25 artworks from the years 1300 - 1900 displaying Bench were assembled automatically by AI computer vision. The generated exhibition was selected from a collection of 196 116 artworks from 91 museums in Austria, Bavaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in 0.25832sec.

Data & History

The histogram shows the quotient of images with Bench in relation to the total number of images in the database.

Bench: 25 artworks


Room I. 1550 - 1600

Pohľad na Bratislavu z juhu
Hogenberg, Franz, Hoefnagel, Joris
between 1572 and 1590
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Bench: 48.0%

Room II. 1750 - 1800

Die Tößbrücke bei Kyburg in der Schweiz
Johann Rudolf Schellenberg (Basel 1740 - 1806 Töß bei Winterthur)
Albertina Wien
Bench: 60.0%

Blick auf Dresden mit Brücke
Adrian Zingg (St. Gallen 1734 - 1816 Leipzig)
between 1750 and 1810
Albertina Wien
Bench: 57.99999999999999%

Dekoratívny nábytok
Boucher, François
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Bench: 48.0%

Room III. 1800 - 1850

Aus Hallstadt
Franz Eybl (Wien 1806 - 1880 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Bench: 80.0%

Interiér kaštieľa v Rusovciach
Stredoeurópsky maliar z 19. storočia
Slovenská národná galéria
Bench: 49.0%

Sibirische Holzhütte
After Louis François Marquis de Beaumanoir (Frankreich/Russland, 1777 - 1810)
between 1800 and 1810
Albertina Wien
Bench: 42.0%

Herňa vo Versailles
Nizozemský grafik z 19. storočia
between 1800 and 1850
Slovenská národná galéria
Bench: 40.0%

Room IV. 1850 - 1900

Fallendes Laub
Olga Wisinger-Florian
Belvedere Museum Wien
Bench: 60.0%

Flusslandschaft mit kleiner Holzbrücke und Spaziergängerin
Théodore Rousseau (Paris 1812 - 1867 Barbizon)
between 1850 and 1855
Albertina Wien
Bench: 51.0%

Návrh na kreslo
Neznámy autor
between 1850 and 1880
Slovenská národná galéria
Bench: 47.0%

Auferweckung der Tochter des Jairus
Albert von Keller
Neue Pinakothek, München
Bench: 44.0%

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