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Image of the Harp

9 artworks from the years 1300 - 1900 displaying Harp were assembled automatically by AI computer vision. The generated exhibition was selected from a collection of 196 116 artworks from 91 museums in Austria, Bavaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in 0.19706sec.

Data & History

The histogram shows the quotient of images with Harp in relation to the total number of images in the database.

Harp: 9 artworks


Room I. 1550 - 1600

Kráľ Dávid
Remeselný grafik
between 1550 and 1570
Galéria umenia Ernesta Zmetáka
Harp: 79.0%

Kráľ Dávid
Nemecký grafik zo začiatku 17. storočia
between 1590 and 1610
Stredoslovenská galéria v Banskej Bystrici
Harp: 43.0%

Room II. 1600 - 1650

Musikalische Gesellschaft
Dirck Barendsz
Alte Pinakothek, München
Harp: 80.0%

Singende Hl. Cäcilia mit zwei musizierenden Engeln
Antiveduto della Gramatica
between 1615 and 1620
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Harp: 74.0%

Obliehanie Jericha
Stredoeurópsky maliar zo 17. storočia
between 1620 and 1640
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Harp: 56.00000000000001%

Room III. 1700 - 1750

Natán konfrontuje Dávida
Luyken, Caspar, Weigel st., Christoph
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Harp: 73.0%

Room IV. 1750 - 1800

Harfenspielender Putto über Landschaft
Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki (Danzig 1726 - 1801 Berlin)
Albertina Wien
Harp: 61.0%

Marie-Louis-Philippine-Eugénie Servandoni (1746 - 1816)
Le Gendre, Louis
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Harp: 50.0%

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