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Image of the Bat

39 artworks from the years 1300 - 1900 displaying Bat were assembled automatically by AI computer vision. The generated exhibition was selected from a collection of 196 116 artworks from 91 museums in Austria, Bavaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in 0.18525sec.

Data & History

The histogram shows the quotient of images with Bat in relation to the total number of images in the database.

Bat: 39 artworks


Room I. 1600 - 1650

Rukávnik, šatka a maska
Hollar, Václav
Galéria umenia Ernesta Zmetáka
Bat: 66.0%

Rukávník ovinutý brokátem
Václav Hollar - rytec
Národní galerie v Praze
Bat: 40.0%

Predavačka zveriny
Lotrínsky maliar z 1. polovice 17. storočia
between 1600 and 1650
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Bat: 40.0%

Room II. 1700 - 1750

Totes Geflügel
Philipp Ferdinand de Hamilton
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Bat: 46.0%

Mária Terézia na korunovačnom vŕšku
Stredoeurópsky grafik z 18. storočia
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Bat: 0.0%

Room III. 1750 - 1800

Herkules zabíja Káka (Hercule assommant Cacus)
Cars, Laurent, Lemoyne, François
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Bat: 0.0%

Room IV. 1800 - 1850

Bauernpaar auf einem Fuhrwerk mit Katze (Blatt aus dem "Liechtensteinalbum", sog. Fendi-Album)
Peter Fendi (Wien 1796 - 1842 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Bat: 64.0%

Chorvátsky pastier
Stredoeurópsky grafik z 19. storočia
between 1800 and 1860
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Bat: 0.0%

Room V. 1850 - 1900

Poprsie muža - štúdia
Mednyánszky, Ladislav
Oravská galéria
Bat: 79.0%

Die drei Reiter II: Hl. Georg
Hans von Marées
Neue Pinakothek, München
Bat: 68.0%

List z módneho časopisu Le Moniteur de la Mode
Beauvais, Jacques Philippe de, David, Jules, Réville
Slovenská národná galéria
Bat: 62.0%

Carl Pischinger (Niederhollabrunn-Streitdorf 1823 - 1886 Liezen)
Albertina Wien
Bat: 57.99999999999999%

Zátišie s ulovenou slukou
Scheidlin, Friedrich Carl von
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Bat: 53.0%

Studie für die liegende Julia im Gemälde "Die scheintote Julia Capulet"
Hans Makart (Salzburg 1840 - 1884 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Bat: 49.0%

Monogrammist "LB 56" (Deutschland)
Albertina Wien
Bat: 49.0%

Stillleben mit Degen und Dreizack
Carl Pischinger (Niederhollabrunn-Streitdorf 1823 - 1886 Liezen)
Albertina Wien
Bat: 48.0%

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