Portrait of the Nobleman
1 555 artworks from the years 1500 - 1900 displaying Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms
were assembled automatically by AI computer vision. The generated exhibition was selected from a collection of 196 116 artworks from 91 museums in Austria, Bavaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in 1.25681sec.
Data & History
The histogram shows the quotient of images with
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms
in relation to the total number of images in the database.
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 1555 artworks
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms
Papst Clemens VII. (1478-1534)
between 1531 and 1532
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 51.0%
König Christian II. von Dänemark
Lucas Cranach d. Ä.
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Sonja Mißfeldt, Nürnberg
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Bildnis des Friedrich II. der Weise, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein
Hans Besser
Alte Pinakothek, München
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Jan van Hembyze (1517-1584)
Frans Pourbus d. Ä.
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
König Jakob I. (1566-1625) von England und Schottland, Brustbild
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 52.0%
Kaiser Sigismund (1369-1437), Brustbild
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
König Gustav II. Adolf (1594-1632) von Schweden, Halbfigur
between 1600 and 1650
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Hermann tom Ring
between 1640 and 1660
Alte Pinakothek, München
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Podobizeň muža
Rembrandt van Rijn
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét Johannesa Rehlingera
Stredoeurópsky grafik z prelomu 17. a začiatku 18. storočia
between 1680 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Portrét O. Hinderofera
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Ilustrácia k Vergiliovej Aeneis
Cleyn, Francis, Lombart, Pierre
Galéria umenia Ernesta Zmetáka
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Portrét J. Schönstaettera
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Portrét Valentina Ostertaga
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Portrét Daniela Odera
Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét Gregora Heimburga
Kilian, Wolfgang Philipp
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét Denisa Petau-a
Lubin, Jacques
between 1680 and 1703
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét L. Schradina
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét Martinusa Rorera
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Filip II.
Gunst, Pieter Stevens van
between 1680 and 1720
Slovenská národná galéria
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét Johannesa Lochingera
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét Ch. Helda
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét S. Rödingera
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét V. Nadlera
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Kardinál Arnošt Vojtěch Harrach
Etienne Picart - rytec
Národní galerie v Praze
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Porträt eines 30jährigen Geistlichen, vor einer Säule mit Adelswappen sitzend
Cornelis Visscher (Haarlem 1628/29 - 1658 Haarlem)
Albertina Wien
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét kardinála Roberta Bellarmina
Bazin, Nicolas
between 1690 and 1710
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét G. Richtera
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét J. Maiera
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét J. Brinckmanna
Stredoeurópsky maliar
between 1690 and 1720
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét kardinála Salernusa
Nemecký grafik z 18. storočia
between 1720 and 1750
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét kardinála Júliusa Piazzu v Ríme
Kupecký, Ján, Rossi, Girolamo
between 1705 and 1710
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét kardinála Ptolemaeusa Pistoriensisa
Nemecký grafik z 18. storočia
between 1720 and 1750
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét presbytera Alvarusa
Nemecký grafik z 18. storočia
between 1720 and 1750
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Clouet, Albert, Gaulli, Giovanni Battista
between 1780 and 1790
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Marek Horváth Stansith ako 29 ročný kapitán
Slovenský maliar z 1. polovice 18. storočia, Neznámy maliar, Kramer, Ján Gottlieb
between 1760 and 1770
Slovenská národná galéria
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Georgius Carolides a Carlsperga
Johann Balzer
between 1750 and 1800
Moravská galerie v Brně
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Thaddaeus Hagecius ab Hagek
Johann Balzer
between 1750 and 1800
Moravská galerie v Brně
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Georgi Pontanus a Breitenberg
Johann Balzer
between 1750 and 1800
Moravská galerie v Brně
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Podobizeň Jozefa Szirányho
Východoslovenský maliar z 1. polovice 19. storočia
between 1800 and 1850
Slovenská národná galéria
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portrét dôstojníka Wiliama von Lebzeltern
Daniel, Constantin
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Štúdia k podobizni Jána Francisciho ako župana Liptovskej stolice
Bohúň, Peter Michal
between 1864 and 1865
Slovenská národná galéria
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 54.0%
Forgách Ferencz
Lauffer, Emil Johann
Slovenská národná galéria
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Portrét kráľa Václava IV.
Hellich, Josef Vojtěch, Merckel, Carl Gottlieb
between 1850 and 1880
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Portrét grófa Juraja Csákyho de Körösszegh et Adorján IV.
Könyöki, Jozef
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Portét Alexandra Kubínyiho
Kubínyi, Mikuláš
Oravská galéria
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 49.0%
Podobizeň Adolfa Medzihradského
Bohúň, Peter Michal
Liptovská galéria Petra Michala Bohúňa
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 48.0%
Portréty uhorských ministrov
Maďarský grafik z 19. storočia
between 1860 and 1870
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Portrét Jánoša Németha Nyékiho
Stredoeurópsky grafik z 19. storočia
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
Ján Francisci
Kriehuber, Joseph
Slovenská národná galéria
Man, Crown, Fashion accessory and Coat of arms: 47.0%
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