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Portrait of the Noblewoman

1 388 artworks from the years 1500 - 1900 displaying Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms were assembled automatically by AI computer vision. The generated exhibition was selected from a collection of 196 116 artworks from 91 museums in Austria, Bavaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in 0.84509sec.

Data & History

The histogram shows the quotient of images with Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms in relation to the total number of images in the database.

Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 1388 artworks

Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms

Room I. 1500 - 1550

Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 48.0%

Portrait of a Woman
Niederländisch (?)
between 1540 and 1550
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 40.0%

Room II. 1550 - 1600

Vlad III. Tzepesch, der Pfähler, Woywode der Walachei 1456-1462 und 1476 (gestorben 1477)
between 1550 and 1600
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 53.0%

Erzherzogin Johanna (1547-1578), Großherzogin von Toskana im Alter von etwa 9 - 10 Jahren, Brustbild
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
between 1562 and 1565
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 47.0%

Margarete von Parma (1522-1586), Brustbild der etwa Vierzigjährgen
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 44.0%

Erzherzogin Anna (1549-1580), Königin von Spanien, Brustbild
Giuseppe Arcimboldo (?)
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Erzherzogin Katharina Renea (1576-1595) in schwarzem Kleid, Brustbild
Jakob de Monte
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 39.0%

Room III. 1600 - 1650

Bildnis der Elisabeth Renata von Lothringen, erste Gemahlin des Kurfürsten Maximilian I. von Bayern (1574-1635)
Münchner Hofmaler
Alte Pinakothek, München
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 45.0%

Královna Henrieta Maria
Václav Hollar - rytec, Peter Stent - vydavatel
Národní galerie v Praze
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 44.0%

Anna von Dänemark (1574-1619), Königin von England, Brustbild
Englisch (Hofmaler)
between 1600 and 1620
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 44.0%

Alegória mesiaca máj
Temini, Alessandro
between 1640 and 1660
Galéria umenia Ernesta Zmetáka
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 44.0%

Augusta Maria
Suyderhoef, Jonas, Honthorst, Gerrit van
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Henrietta Marie Stuartovna
Hollar, Václav
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Slečna de Montpensier
Poilly, Nicolas de
between 1627 and 1693
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Maria de' Medici (1573-1641), Königin von Frankreich, Brustbild
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 40.0%

Podobizna šlechtičny
neznámý malíř nizozemský - kopie (?)
between 1640 and 1660
Moravská galerie v Brně
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 39.0%

Room IV. 1650 - 1700

Portrét Louisy de la Miséricorde
Gole, Jacob, Plaats
between 1680 and 1732
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 48.0%

Maria Magdalena, Farnese von Parma
between 1680 and 1700
Alte Pinakothek, München
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 44.0%

Netscher, Caspar
between 1670 and 1680
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 44.0%

Maria Elisabeth von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf, Landgräfin von Hessen-Darmstadt (1634-1665) (?)
Salomon Duarte
Alte Pinakothek, München
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 40.0%

Room V. 1700 - 1750

Johanna Zuzana Horvath-Stansithová
Kramer, Ján Gottlieb
between 1740 and 1760
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 48.0%

Portrét Anny Elisabeth von Scheidlin
Bodenehr st., Gabriel
between 1740 and 1750
Galéria umenia Ernesta Zmetáka
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 45.0%

Leopold I. Habsburský
neznámý malíř středoevropský
between 1700 and 1800
Moravská galerie v Brně
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Mária Terézia ako uhorská kráľovná
Schmitner, Franz Leopold
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Podobizeň A.M.Horvathovej-Stančičovej
Kramer, Ján Gottlieb
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 42.0%

Klára Horvath Stančič 6 ročná
Kramer, Ján Gottlieb
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 42.0%

Svätá Helena
Stredoeurópsky maliar z 1. polovice 18. storočia, Schmidt, Anton, Neznámy maliar
between 1740 and 1760
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 41.0%

Room VI. 1750 - 1800

Jan Václav Friedrich z Friedenberku (1757 –1783)
Galerie hlavního města Prahy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 47.0%

Podobizeň ženy v parochni s vejárom
Slovenský maliar z 3. tretiny 18. storočia, Neznámy maliar, Vitony, Joseph
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 44.0%

Dáma s vysokým účesom
Stredoeurópsky maliar z 2. polovice 18. storočia
between 1750 and 1800
Východoslovenská galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Kaiser Ludwig der Bayer
Johann Jakob Dorner d. Ä.
between 1775 and 1799
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 42.0%

Barbora Berzeviczyová, rodená Horváth Stansithová ako 23 ročná
Slovenský maliar z 1. polovice 18. storočia, Neznámy maliar, Kramer, Ján Gottlieb
between 1758 and 1754
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 41.0%

Room VII. 1800 - 1850

Podobizeň dámy
Ender, Johann Nepomuk
between 1825 and 1854
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 56.99999999999999%

Podobizeň Agnesy Okolicsányi rod. Spielenbergerovej
Czauczik, Jozef
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 48.0%

Podobizna dámy s dopisem
Antonín Machek
Národní galerie v Praze
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Portrét dámy s čelenkou a závojom
Stredoeurópsky maliar z 1. tretiny 19. storočia
between 1820 and 1840
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Portrét mladej ženy s ružou vo vlasoch
Rosenthal, Constantin David, Stredoeurópsky autor z polovice 19. storočia
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 42.0%

Portrét staršej ženy v bielom čepci
Slovenský maliar z 1. polovice 19. storočia
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 42.0%

Kaiser Ludwig der Bayer
Deutsch 19. Jahrhundert
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 40.0%

Elisabeth Josefine Rizzi-Petke
Unbekannter Künstler
Belvedere Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 40.0%

Bildnis eines Herrn von Fabrice in der Uniform der sächsischen Gardereiter
Ferdinand von Rayski
Neue Pinakothek, München
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 40.0%

Portrét dámy v modrých šatách s čepcom na hlave
Stredoeurópsky maliar z 1. polovice 19. storočia
between 1830 and 1850
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 39.0%

Podobizeň mladého muža
Dietericyová, Chr., Dietrich, Christian Wilhelm Ernst
between 1800 and 1850
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 38.0%

Room VIII. 1850 - 1900

Pavlína Mešková, rod. Jesenská
Bohúň, Peter Michal
Slovenská národná galéria
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 47.0%

Portrét Karolíny Augusty
Kunike, Adolf Friedrich
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 44.0%

Kaiserin Elisabeth mit Bernhardinerhund
Anton Romako
Belvedere Museum Wien
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 43.0%

Podobizeň Zuzany Medzihradskej, rod. Meškovej
Bohúň, Peter Michal
Liptovská galéria Petra Michala Bohúňa
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 42.0%

Podobizna dámy
František Ženíšek
Moravská galerie v Brně
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 39.0%

Podobizna dámy
Ženíšek, František
Moravská galerie v Brně
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 39.0%

Portrét ženy v čiernych šatách
Höfel, Johann Nepomuk
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Woman, Crown, Fashion accessory, Necklace and Coat of arms: 38.0%

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