Landscape with a Castle
436 artworks from the years 1400 - 1900 displaying Tree, Plant and Castle
& 300 works with a Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft
were assembled automatically by AI computer vision. The generated exhibition was selected from a collection of 196 116 artworks from 91 museums in Austria, Bavaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in 0.70789sec.
Data & History
The histogram shows the quotient of images with
Tree, Plant and Castle
& Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft
in relation to the total number of images in the database.
Tree, Plant and Castle: 436 artworks
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 300 artworks
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft
Podzim z cyklu Čtyři roční období - Štrasburské pohledy
Václav Hollar - rytec
Národní galerie v Praze
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 39.0%
Der Valkhof in Nijmegen
Jan van Goyen
Staatsgalerie im Schloss Johannisburg, Aschaffenburg
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 37.0%
Nemecký autor zo 17. storočia
between 1600 and 1700
Slovenská národná galéria
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 35.0%
Ankunft zu Neapel
Johann Wilhelm Baur (Straßburg 1607 - 1642 Wien)
between 1600 and 1650
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 30.0%
Pohled na Canalo Grande od kostela St. Maria della Caritá k přístavu u San Marca
Giovanni Antonio Canal zv. Canaletto - dílna
between 1700 and 1800
Moravská galerie v Brně
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 35.0%
Pohľad na Bratislavský hrad z juhu
Werner, Friedrich Bernhard, Engelbrecht, Martin
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 35.0%
Blick auf Santa Maria della Salute
Gaspar Adriaensz van Wittel (Gaspare Vanvitelli)
Alte Pinakothek, München
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 35.0%
Pohled na Canalo Grande od kostela St. Maria della Caritá k přístavu u San Marca
Canal zv. Canaletto - dílna, Giovanni Antonio
between 1701 and 1800
Moravská galerie v Brně
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 34.0%
Rendez-vous des Bateaux Marchands sur la Meuse 12
Le Veau, Jean Jacques André, Weirotter, Franz Edmund
between 1740 and 1786
Slovenská národná galéria
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 31.0%
Elfeld und Ehrbach
Lorenz Janscha (Radmannsdorf (Krain) 1749 - 1812 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 42.0%
Canale Grande bei San Geremia
Giovanni Antonio Canal (gen. Canaletto) (Nachahmer)
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 42.0%
Dogenpalast und Piazzetta
Giovanni Antonio Canal (gen. Canaletto) (Nachahmer)
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 38.0%
Ansicht von San Pietro di Castello
Giovanni Antonio Canal (gen. Canaletto) (Nachahmer)
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 38.0%
Festung am Meer
Erzherzog Karl von Österreich Herzog von Teschen (Florenz 1771 - 1847 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 36.0%
Prímorská krajina
Stredoeurópsky maliar z 2. polovice 18. storočia
between 1750 and 1800
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 35.0%
Bornhofen, Liebenstein und Sternenfels
Lorenz Janscha (Radmannsdorf (Krain) 1749 - 1812 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 34.0%
Palazzo Farnese v Římě
Domenico Montegu
Národní galerie v Praze
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 33.0%
Blick auf Bamberg, im Vordergrund ein Brunnenhäuschen mit Bildstock
François Lefèbvre (Brüssel 1762 - 1835 Deutsch Wagram)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 33.0%
Lorenz Janscha (Radmannsdorf (Krain) 1749 - 1812 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 31.0%
Canale Grande mit der Chiesa degli Scalzi alle Fondamenta della Croce und San Simeone Piccola
Giovanni Antonio Canal (gen. Canaletto) (Nachahmer)
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 31.0%
Lorenz Janscha (Radmannsdorf (Krain) 1749 - 1812 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 31.0%
Castell dell' Ovo
Claude-Joseph Vernet (Avignon 1714 - 1789 Paris)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 30.0%
Riva degli Schiavoni mit Dogenpalast
Giovanni Antonio Canal (gen. Canaletto) (Nachahmer)
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 30.0%
Hafen von Neapel mit Abfahrt Karls III. nach Spanien (1759)
Antonio Joli
between 1764 and 1768
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 30.0%
Theaterdekoration: Öffentlicher Platz mit Obelisk
Josef Platzer (Prag 1751 - 1806 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 30.0%
Stores am Windermere - see
Stredoeurópsky grafik z 19. storočia
between 1825 and 1860
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 39.0%
Die Franzensburg in Laxenburg bei Wien (Guckkastenblatt)
Eduard Gurk (Wien 1801 - 1841 Jerusalem)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 38.0%
Trient von der Etschbrücke (Guckkastenblatt)
Jakob Alt (Frankfurt am Main 1789 - 1872 Wien)
Albertina Wien
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 36.0%
Kostol sv.Pavla v Londýne
Stredoeurópsky grafik z 19. storočia
between 1840 and 1870
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 35.0%
Katedrála v Roeskilde
Stredoeurópsky grafik z 19. storočia
between 1830 and 1860
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Tower, Building, House, Castle, Boat and Watercraft: 34.0%