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Memento Mori

38 artworks from the years 1500 - 1800 displaying Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book were assembled automatically by AI computer vision. The generated exhibition was selected from a collection of 196 116 artworks from 91 museums in Austria, Bavaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in 0.25729sec.

Data & History

The histogram shows the quotient of images with Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book in relation to the total number of images in the database.

Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 38 artworks

Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book

Room I. 1500 - 1525

Sv. Jeroným
Cleve - dílna, Joos van
between 1500 and 1599
Moravská galerie v Brně
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 59.0%

Sv. Jeroným
Joos van Cleve - dílna
between 1500 and 1600
Moravská galerie v Brně
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 59.0%

Der heilige Hieronymus im Gehäuse
Lucas Hugensz. van Leyden (Leiden 1494 - 1533 Leiden)
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 52.0%

Christus am Kreuz mit den Heiligen Maria und Johannes
After Michelangelo Buonarroti (Caprese 1475 - 1564 Rom)
between 1500 and 1600
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 52.0%

Smrť a Landsknechti
Graf, Urs
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 33.0%

between 1500 and 1600
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 28.999999999999996%

Room II. 1525 - 1550

Portrait of a Knight of an Order
Bartholomäus Bruyn d. Ä.
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 61.0%

Bildnis des Sir Brian Tuke
Hans Holbein d. J. (Kopie nach)
Alte Pinakothek, München
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 59.0%

Hl. Hieronymus
Georg Pencz
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Sonja Mißfeldt, Nürnberg
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 55.00000000000001%

Hl. Hieronymus
Jan Sanders van Hemessen
between 1538 and 1540
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 51.0%

Christus am Kreuz
Hans Brosamer (Fulda ca. 1495 - ca. 1554 Erfurt)
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 28.000000000000004%

Room III. 1550 - 1575

Henricus Schwarzenberger
Sadeler I., Jan
between 1570 and 1600
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 52.0%

Der Tod
Monogrammist IHS
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 39.0%

Room IV. 1575 - 1600

Otto Heinrich von Schwarzenberg
Johann Sadeler d. Ä. (Brüssel 1550 - 1600 Venedig)
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 53.0%

Fáma a História. Alegória na znovuzrodenie cnosti.
Goltzius, Hendrick
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 46.0%

Room V. 1600 - 1625

Büssender Hl. Hieronymus
Gaspar Rem
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 59.0%

Der hl. Hieronymus
Hendrick Bloemaert
Alte Pinakothek, München
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 52.0%

Kajúca sa Magdaléna
Nemecký maliar zo začiatku 17. storočia
between 1600 and 1620
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 42.0%

Mária Magdaléna
Francúzsky - španielsky caravaggista
between 1600 and 1650
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 42.0%

Room VI. 1625 - 1650

Allegory of Vanitas
Antonio de Pereda y Salgado
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 37.0%

Philosoph des Altertums (Heraklit?)
Meister der Hirtenverkündigungen Maestro degli annunci ai pastori
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 36.0%

Allegorie auf ein christliches Leben
Heinrich Vorbruck
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 31.0%

Room VII. 1650 - 1675

Der hl. Franziskus in Ekstase
Francisco de Zurbarán y Salazar
Alte Pinakothek, München
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 54.0%

Porträt eines unbekannten Geistlichen
Cornelis Visscher (Haarlem 1628/29 - 1658 Haarlem)
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 52.0%

Svätý Hieroným, čítajúci
Aquila, Pietro
between 1673 and 1683
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 37.0%

Bassano, Jacopo, Vorsterman ml., Lucas, Teniers ml., David
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 36.0%

Svätý Hieroným
Palma, Jacopo, il giovane, Boel, Quirin, Teniers ml., David
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 33.0%

Stillleben (Memento Mori)
Cornelius Norbertus Gysbrechts
Alte Pinakothek, München
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 28.000000000000004%

Room VIII. 1675 - 1700

Deckenzeichnung mit Freskenfeld (Himmelfahrt Mariae)
Pierre Paul Sevin (Tournon 1650 - 1710 Tournon)
between 1689 and 1698
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 36.0%

Room IX. 1700 - 1725

Podobizeň Daniela Jozefa Maierna
Birkhart, Anton
between 1711 and 1740
Slovenská národná galéria
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 53.0%

Room X. 1725 - 1750

Stredoeurópsky maliar z 18. storočia
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 59.0%

Sv. Jeroným
Petr Brandl
Moravská galerie v Brně
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 43.0%

Sv. Jeroným
Brandl, Petr
Moravská galerie v Brně
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 43.0%

Room XI. 1750 - 1775

Portrét P.Johana Baptistu Bamera
Nemecký grafik z 18. storočia
between 1770 and 1780
Galéria mesta Bratislavy
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 55.00000000000001%

Room XII. 1775 - 1800

Sechs Kopfstudien beziehungsweise Details
Albertina Wien
Skull, Man, Person, Human face and Book: 49.0%

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